I am catching everyone a bit off-guard here on Friday, but it is always good to change things up a little bit, right? Just like the Cubs are going to need to change things up more than a little bit when it comes to their 2012 roster.
So, let’s get going and starting rambling, and maybe even start talking about next year a little bit.
• The 2012 schedule was released Wednesday. It looks like MLB is getting even more creative as we play the American League Central and the Red Sox. Hmmm.
• There is normally a deviation for the Sox, just a different color of hose.
• Sorry, that joke was a lot better in my head.
• Bryan LaHair should get some playing time next year. And he should also get some playing time this month. I think we can all agree on that.
• He is still not the first-bagger of the future.
• .307 average with 190 hits, 21 SB’s, 9 homers and 60+ RBI’s . Yes, Starlin Castro is awesome.
• Alex Morgan should be Cubs fans. Just sayin’
She threw out the first ball at the Royals game last night. But she needs to trade that blue jersey in for a different team with a different share of blue.
• Man, those numbers get me excited. It is almost so good, it cannot be fake, right? Please tell me he is for real. PLEASE!
• Tony Campana is averaging a stolen base for every six at bats. Based on a full-time top of the order hitter, that projects to over 100 swipes in a season. Man, if he could only hit.
• That is still darn impressive speed. I will say it. I was wrong. Give me the crow, and a whole wheelbarrow of salt.
• Kate Upton should be a Cubs fan as well.
• It really appears that Carlos Zambrano is gone forever. For reals gone. Forever ever. For EVA EVA!!
• Is anyone else going to laugh when Aram’s new team expects a .300 average, 10+ homers, and 40 RBI’s by June? Yea, that should be fun to watch unfold.
• Don’t get me wrong, I will always like Aramis. However, his 2010 year-end numbers are so ridiculously misleading.
• Hey Geo, you better starting learning how to pull the splinters out of your rear because unless something drastic happens, you are looking at back-up status for quite some time.
• For Tyler’s sake, I think Camp Colvin should add a whole lot more batting practice than years past.
• Keep pumping those muscles, but big muscles don’t do all that good if you cannot connect with the ball.
• I will be curious to see if Jeff Samardzija is given a shot at the starting rotation. He has given up less than 60 hits in over 80 innings of work, yielding a batting average under .200. I would say he has had a very nice comeback year.
• While I am at it, Hope Solo should also be a Cubs fan.
• Hey, can you guys help me out, I cannot see too well, is that the 2009 Randy Wells over there?
• It sure is amazing what happens when games do not matter. It really is.
• One year, $1 million for another go with Kerry is fine by me.
• Walt Jocketty? No, thanks.
• Is Billy Beane going to ride into Chicago with a high-paying job and on the heels of a Hollywood success? I hope not.
• And, to clarify, I have nothing against the new movie.
• So, with all that said, I am sure every one of you has even more to say. So, let’s hear it. Put it out. Let’s get it going.
Mercifully, there are only a few more weeks left. It is almost over. And then it will be on to 2012. And, with that, even so much more to discuss.
Until next time …
Stay Classy Cubs Fans!!
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